
enquiry@skopl.in / hr@skopl.in

Contract Labour Management

  • Contracting as third party employer for skilled, semi - skilled, unskilled blue collar work force and white collar executives for various industry segments and corporates in the nation.

  • We follow the norms and regulations as stated by the governing bodies. Understanding the need of organisations, we hold all necessary registrations & licences under Contract Labour Act. Periodic statutory audits are conducted and reported to organisations, maintaining confidentiality at all levels.

  • Wages are paid as per minimum wages stated by the government.

  • Principal employer and employees are regularly updated and informed via notices about the various legislative changes in the government norms.

  • As a legitimate contracting organisation, we ensure contributions towards PF, ESIC, Gratuity, Bonus etc.

  • Our site supervisors inspect every site at frequent intervals, resulting in operational ease and administrative controls of employees at site.
