
enquiry@skopl.in / hr@skopl.in

Industrial Central Canteen Facility

We are introducing ourselves as an experienced and well established for catering Corporate & industrial Canteen service. Catering has over the past few years assumed great importance in industry in and apart from being a crucial factor in employee-employer relation. It is an area where managements are being forced to spend a lot of their valuable time and resources in handling day to day problem with their employees. The same also give the reflection of the organization in today’s corporate world.

Our vision is to provide hygienic & healthy food. Our innovative cost effective-solution bring in a different professional experience in all our catering undertaking.

Our culture is one of pride in performance and integrity plus a level of commitment that comes from employee satisfaction and motivation. Our professionals are dedicated to providing clients with value-focused service and results. They are also known for their leadership, applications of highest related standards and technology, and ability to achieve client’s highest satisfaction levels.

We have a team of professional, trained, qualified and highly experience staff and we are already providing catering service to leading Corporate & industrial Canteen Service from more than 3 years. Labour supplies as per individual requirements. Our catering service incorporate the latest technologies and methods in food production, storage, service maintenance, nutritional values Hygiene, Kitchen equipment’s resources and manpower control etc.

Our Values

Why are we different

A) Quality & Choices

Quality control is carefully monitored by high-standards, by our specialized people in the various catering and related services requirements.

B) Health & Safety

We utilize specialist environmental health & safety personnel guided by local and internationally recognized law and legislations, and developed in our policies. Thus are regularly communicated in our training programmes to our entire team.

C) Technical Abilities

A resource of highly qualified professionals unsurpassed in its depth of experience & knowledge. Such experiences substantially sensitizes our team to the vigorous service demands from the clients.

D) Management Follow-up

Regular scheduled and surprise visits of Management to sites and to the client’s premises for the purpose of control and staff motivation. Consistency of standard levels is assessed and feedback reviews are undertaken.

E) Menu Planning & Healthy Eating

Based on our considerable experience of the variation in the requirements of different clients’ nationalities and status, we are able to offer a complete menu selection tailored to different specific situations.

We believe, given an opportunity we undoubtedly will be able to give our best and serve your esteemed organization to best of your satisfaction. We look forward to being associated with your organization in coming future, creating a long and lasting relationship.
